Как устроен венчурный рынок Армении и к чему готовиться российским предпринимателям. FORBES

Как устроен венчурный рынок Армении и к чему готовиться российским предпринимателям. FORBES

За минувшие полтора года армянские стартапы привлекли суммарно более миллиарда долларов в 26 сделках. В стране уже есть свои «единороги», крупные объединения бизнес-ангелов и локальные венчурные фонды. Однако здесь недостает инвесторов, готовых вкладывать в проекты на поздних стадиях, а также тех, кто готов, помимо денег, поделиться с предпринимателями экспертизой. Об этих и других особенностях армянского венчурного рынка, а также перспективах…

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Information on registration, transfer, establish and run of companies and organizations by foreign citizens, use of the established benefits in the field of high technologies and telecommunications in the Republic of Armenia.

Информация о регистрации, релокации, начале и осуществлении деятельности предприятий и организаций гражданами других стран в сфере высоких технологий и телекоммуникаций в Республике Армения.

Frequently Asked Questions How to register a business in Armenia and how long does the registration process take? The registration process is carried out by the Agency for State Register of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia. Website: www.e-register.am Address: 49/3 Komitas st., Yerevan 0051, Armenia, E-mail address: info@e-register.am As well as, the United…

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Are you downsizing your business? Consider Joining a Co-working Space! | Yerevan Coworking

Are you downsizing your business? Consider Joining a Co-working Space! | Yerevan Coworking

Coworking spaces have emerged as an ideal solution for startups and small businesses to set up an office space without incurring the high costs of renting or leasing traditional offices. Especially in city like Yerevan, where real estate prices are sky-high, coworking spaces provide an affordable alternative to entrepreneurs. If you are planning to set up your startup in Yerevan,…

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Visitor Management Systems: A Guide to Increased Efficiency and Security

Visitor Management Systems: A Guide to Increased Efficiency and Security

Do you know how many visitors entered your office today? What about yesterday, or even last year? Without a Visitor Management System in place, it can be difficult to keep track of the comings and goings of your office visitors. This can leave you with unanswered questions about the accuracy of your data, visitor names and visiting times, and even…

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Is Coworking Right for You? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Is Coworking Right for You? 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Coworking spaces have become increasingly popular over the past decade, offering a flexible and dynamic alternative to traditional office spaces. While many entrepreneurs and freelancers have embraced the coworking trend, it’s not for everyone. So, how do you know if a coworking space is right for you? In this article, we’ll explore the key questions to ask yourself before choosing…

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Boosting Your Coworking Space with Social Media: 7 Tips for Successful Marketing

Boosting Your Coworking Space with Social Media: 7 Tips for Successful Marketing

Social media is a powerful marketing tool that coworking spaces can use to attract new members and engage with their community. From creating a complete profile to being active and responsive, there are several ways to make the most of social media marketing. In this article, we’ll share seven tips to help you effectively promote your coworking space on social…

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The Team that Boosts Your Productivity

The Team that Boosts Your Productivity

Coworking spaces have become a popular choice for entrepreneurs, startups, and freelancers who are looking for an affordable and flexible workspace. In metropolitan cities like Bangalore and Yerevan, where office spaces are expensive, coworking spaces are a perfect alternative to renting a traditional office space. In this article, we will explore the benefits of joining a coworking space, particularly Yerevan…

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Creating a Collaborative Atmosphere for Startups

Creating a Collaborative Atmosphere for Startups

Assembling a team of highly skilled individuals does not guarantee they will collaborate efficiently. Collaboration needs to be nurtured, and setting the right environment is essential. To foster a collaborative culture, you need to establish some core elements in your startup. Lead by example As the leader, you set the tone for the entire company. If you want to build…

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The Growing Phenomenon of Coworking Spaces

The Growing Phenomenon of Coworking Spaces

The rise of co-working spaces is a phenomenon that has taken the world by storm, and it shows no signs of slowing down. In 2018, there were approximately 19,000 coworking spaces globally, and this number has more than doubled since 2015. According to experts, there will be more than 30,000 coworking spaces around the world by 2022, which represents a…

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We Have More Job Control

We Have More Job Control

Co-working spaces have revolutionized the way people work, offering benefits that traditional offices cannot match. Unlike regular offices, co-working spaces foster a sense of community where members help each other and work alongside each other. This collaborative environment promotes a stronger work identity and reinforces the values of community, collaboration, learning, and sustainability that the co-working movement embodies. One of…

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